Pickles to Giggles Photography Blog

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I'm Jennifer! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I love my family, what I do and all the amazing people I meet along the way. A lot has inspired me and gotten me here, and I couldn't be happier. I am truly blessed! As you look through my portfolio and blog you will see that the perfect photograph is the 'perfectly imperfect' one. It's real life. It's who they are and I captured it for them. Those are the photos that will bring you back in time for you to hold on to with that unexplainable obsession. As a mother, I look at those "perfectly imperfect" photos of my babies on a daily basis with a feeling I never truly knew existed. Come here often as I will give little peeks inside some of my favorite sessions. Thanks for looking! Jennifer Womack


If you like what you see and want to join in on the fun, call or e-mail me - jennifer_kay@usa.net 281.468.7309 - I love to chat!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

love all the meaning.

ok - is it possible?? I adore this family more and more after every session...I think we are on session 7 now :) And it just keeps getting better. Baby Hudson was a dream for his session - he kept his eyes open for some good eye contact, then closed them and fell off to dreamland so we could play :)

I just LOVE looking through their session - we have a million great shots but what I love most are all of the things we did to make their pictures even more special to them!!!  keep scrolling down to see..



and after...



mom and dad saw this next shot on Tara Whitney's site - she is fabulous - I want her to take my family pics - she takes tons of famous photogs pics - 2 of which have mentored ME - Patti Schmidt and Audrey Woulard :) And the VIDEOS on her site.... check them out - they are to die for!! Got to do this!! But back to this shot - it turned out PERFECT - I LOVE it!!! And mom wants to do some grow with me shots like this each session so look for more later - maybe 6 months or so :) Their house is amazing - they just moved in last Fall - so I was super excited to come and have my fun around their house. 


tried to cover his hiney with the hat, but he moved, but it turned out to be a great shot - cute hiney and all - he covered up the important stuff! and look closely at the shot on the right...the framed picture at the top of this picture was taken at their old house in front of their bookshelf of big brother when he was 4 weeks old - and same blanket too.


and this next one is AMAZING!! Ok - so we have all seen how the hats and bowls are so very popular for newborn shots. I like the look, but LOVE when it is their own hat that grandma knitted (we have one of those for this guy too, well his great-grandma knitted it) and then this bowl....it has been passed down in mommy's family and was actually used as a dough bowl by his great-great grandmother so many years ago and now here he is as a fresh newborn laying in all that history!! oh and on his dining table at the house he will grow up in!!


and one more to see mom's great decorating taste!


some brotherly lovin!!



some sweet momma time!


and a close up to soak up all of baby Hudson's preciousness!


and my favorite shot of big brother hanging out in his room! 




Miranda said...

GREAT GREAT pictures! I'm so jealous you got to meet him before I did. :)

Sarah K said...

J - I love the shot of the baby on the couch with the photo of his older brother behind me - so cool. I'm so in awe of the work you're doing now and then to find out you've been mentored by THE Audrey W!!! - holy moly woman - that is so freaking amazing and everyone should have Tara follow them around, her photos & blog are just amazing.

Aunt Kelly said...

You did it! You were able to capture how gorgeous my sis and her family truly are in everyday life! Thank you!
I get to see them Monday - YEA!!!
Amazing work! Thanks for making them feel so comfortable!

jennifer womack said...

Thanks so much girls for all your super sweet comments!!! It makes me so happy to read them!!

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